Flexible, Affordable Electronics Education
Online courses and webinars for the printed circuit engineering community.

Current Workshops

Differential pairs have been used in PC boards for years to carry high-speed serial and high-speed parallel data, in a variety of bus formats. Many board designers and engineers believe the rules...

This is a session for embedded engineers and PCB designers who have never done RF board layout but are curious and want to have a go at it. It is not for experienced microwave engineers. This...

The material presented will be focused on the physics of electromagnetic energy basic principles, presented in easy-to-understand language with plenty of diagrams. Attendees will discover how...

Supply voltages decrease with every new silicon generation, contributing as well to the goal of reducing power consumption of our electronics. Coupled with the resulting shrinking noise margins for...

Printed Circuit University offers Flexible, Affordable Electronics Education. We offer online classes from some the top professionals in their fields

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